L.A.B Invitational

Mark the dates in your Calendar – May 19-21. 2023, the Lindsay A Burnett invitational will be running again this year and we would love to have you support us on that weekend. Tickets will be sold closer to the game days, we have day passes and weekend passes. Lots of fun to be had, food, and raffles a great way to spend with the family.

All proceeds go towards the kid’s travel for tournaments and to continue funding the activities and staff/volunteers of Montreal United.

Building Fundraiser

This year’s fundraiser will be the celebration of 10+ years in service to a community we love and the start of the New Montreal United looking toward our future youths and where we want this organization to be in the next 10 years. Montreal United will be fundraising not just to fund our basketball programs but a building that we can call our own. Where we can offer more leisure sports programs for all ages, and educative and wellness workshops. We aim to be the first Black YMCA to join us in making this dream a reality where we as a community will benefit, our children, adults, and seniors can have a place that can relate to their needs. Join us in the kick-off of the reveal of the New Montreal United – Fall 2023. Keep your eyes peeled and help us take our organization into the future.