It’s Game Time! Are you ready for some friendly competition?!
a) All participating teams should be dressed in their uniform (identical colors with numbers). Fifteen minutes after the scheduled time, any team failing to be on the court will lose the game by default and one point will be awarded to the opposing team.
b) Any player(s) or coach(es) ejected from a game must leave the bench area. Failure to do so will result in the termination of the game.
c) Following an ejection, there will be an automatic one-game suspension. Based on the severity of the violation, the tournament organizer will meet to decide on additional penalties to be handed out.
d) Games will be played in two halves. Stopped time will apply for the last two minutes of the half for mini, bantam, midget and juvenile categories; and the last five minutes of the half for the junior category.
e) Identification must be presented upon request, as applicable.
f) The tournament will be governed by F.I.B.A. rules.
g) Games will be played at the following location:
Collège Notre Dame, 3791 Queen Mary Rd, Montreal, Quebec H3V 1A8
Registration Information